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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mission To Trade

I had someone leave me a message and asked me if could make a post about his site as it is a new blog. I went to check it out and I have to admit I have never seen this concept before. It is Mission To Trade. He trades items and it started with a bottle of diet coke that was traded for golf balls. Go visit Stuart and get the scoop on why he started this and get his Mission Details. It is a pretty unique site in the fact that there is not another site like this one.
It is the first time that anyone has asked me to write about their site and I want to thank you Stuart for giving me this opportunity. You know in days gone by people used the barter system to get what they wanted. It can be a trade with items or services. You remember Little House On The Prairie when the Dr would get various goods for services rendered. It was the barter system. The layout is clean without clutter and it loads fast and the Entrecard widget is placed where you do not have to scroll down to find.

Go check it out and also if you make a post about his site you will get a link to your site .
I wonder does this qualify as a review of a site? Because if it is all I can say is hot dog I finally done one. If not then it is a good start.


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